I recently heard someone use the phrase “moral Christianity” to describe what they believe is the current temperature of faith in America, and it grieved me. Moral Christianity points people toward godly—or moral—answers without pointing them toward God. It shows people how to live by good rules without showing them how to be disciples of the Good Shepherd.
Don’t misunderstand me. There is nothing wrong with teaching others to live by godly principles. After all, God’s Word is an instructional manual for a successful, godly life. It’s a light for one’s path (Psalm 119:105). But there is something wrong with teaching “moral, do-good Christianity” without showing others how to connect with the Savior. If we simply do what’s right without being disciples of the Author of Life, we may look more like the unbelieving Jews than the disciples.
I’m sharing this because lately I have been convicted about this, I have been asking myself, does what i share cause others to want Jesus, not just want to do the right things or have a better life so they can be more comfortable?
If I only offer up moral Christianity without pointing you to Christ, what good am I honestly doing?
In John 5:39-40 Jesus said to the Jews . . .
“You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me. But you are not willing to come to Me that you may have life.”
Knowing truth and knowing the Author of Truth are two entirely different things—and only one of them leads to the life we desperately need.
At the end of January, during a quiet moment with the Lord, I scrawled these thoughts, which I believe He gave me, in my journal.
Knowing the right answers will not transform you. Going to church alone will not transform you. Being religious and even memorizing Scripture will not transform you. Only being in right relationship with me while you experience these things will transform you. The Jews in the New Testament knew the answers, but they didn’t know Me. They did not have a love relationship with Me, therefore their hearts remained unchanged. Knowledge of the truth alone cannot transform. It’s My love working together with truth that transforms.
People who are experiencing war overseas, divorce in the United States, and death in their families don’t need to know just good principles without knowing the Prince of Peace. They don’t need to know how to live unless they know the One who gave them life. To give them truth without pointing them to The Truth is dishonoring to the Lord—and offering a balm to the wounded that does not heal.
So what does this have to do with you? A lot, actually. Just like me, you are preaching a sermon with your life. You may not be standing in a pulpit or putting words on a page. But every day, you are a witness for the Lord. Will you only show others what it means to be a moral Christian—or will you demonstrate what it looks like to intimately walk with the Savior?
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